Residential lifts in Thailand

The top residential elevators are available from Nibav Lifts for your home in Bangkok, Thailand, at a reasonable cost that is also convenient and comfortable. Thailand’s residential lifts and lift technology have undergone significant development throughout time. Bangkok residential lifts are frequently less complicated or expensive than complete commercial lifts. They usually only service 2–5 levels and are quite small, with a median capacity of 2-4 people. Residential elevators are specially designed with features that complement interior decor. Residential lifts utilize two different types of landing doors: manual hinged wooden shaft-access doors and metal sliding doors, typically of the two-speed centre opening variety. Residential lifts may be less durable than commercial lifts with shorter maintenance intervals. However, emergency phones and fall arrestors, among other safety features, are still included in case of a breakdown.

Residential lifts

Residential Lifts

Home lifts are extremely important because they aid us in our day-to-day life. Not only do home lifts help us get up and down from one floor to another, they also help us move other things like groceries, small appliances, furniture and other items with ease. With home elevators, one does not have to worry about staircase accidents or mobility inside the house after an accident or impairment. Home elevators are not a luxury feature anymore, but a matter of safety for every homeowner.


The expense of installing a lift in your home to make it more accessible to people of all abilities is dramatically reduced due to the fact that lifts are self-supported, require almost no civil work, are very low maintenance and consume very less energy.

Lift Specifications

Lift demands will vary depending on every home. The number of users of the lift and their desires will dictate the cabin’s choice, while the house’s features will determine the size of the pit. While some lifts may be built without any digging, others need a substantial trench to be dug. Automatic sliding doors are simpler to use than accordion-style doors, which may make it difficult for an old or disabled person to efficiently use the lift. Other lift parameters, such as weight restrictions, safety devices, the maximum travel speed, and the number of levels that may be accessed in a single trip, must also be carefully taken into account.

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They must be able to blend in with the current interior decor, whether it be contemporary or traditional; if the user wishes, they can also clash with it. Glass lifts may easily integrate with their environment to stay as concealed as possible. Homeowners that want their décor to be on display constantly favor this option. Luxury and aesthetically pleasing scenic elevators can enhance the interior decor of the house. There are many various kinds of lifts, and there is also the option of going unique, which means that the residential lift will be exclusive to a specific user and cannot be obtained anywhere else.

360-degree panoramic glass view

It is very common for people to experience claustrophobia, particularly when they are moving in enclosed spaces such as elevators. Because it has a glass that is 360 degrees around, the Nibav Home Elevator enables you to get a bird’s-eye view of both your home and the area around it.

Nibav lifts To The Rescue

The “modern home” will eventually house people of various ages with a wide range of needs, and Nibav Lift in Bangkok provides building industry specialists with a solution to accommodate them. Nibav residential lifts can be installed almost anywhere in a home as they don’t need hydraulics or load-bearing walls.

Nibav house lifts have one of the lowest footprints on the residential lift market, which saves space as well. When the stairs proved too much for older family members, the lift can carry two passengers up one story in less than 30 seconds, making the property completely accessible. On our website, you will find stunning lifts of the highest caliber.

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